10 Dec 2019
Protecting Potatoes - Scotland's Story
Since the emergence of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in the 1840s this disease has presented a major challenge to the potato industry, with annual losses estimated to be £55 million in the UK.
4 Nov 2019
A Test is Best: A New Sheep Scab Blood Test Helps Control Disease on the Isle of Mull & Iona
Sheep scab is a highly contagious disease caused by infestation with the mite Psoroptes ovis. It is endemic in the UK, notifiable in Scotland and has significant economic and welfare impacts.
31 Oct 2019
Scotland’s Dinner Plate 2050
Leading industry and SEFARI science representatives from Scotland’s food, drink and agricultural sectors came together to discuss and speculate what Scotland’s dinner plate may look like in 2050.
27 Aug 2019
Infrared Spectroscopy – Helping to Protect Scotland’s Soils
Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy is a versatile analytical technique that can characterise a wide variety of different sample types e.g. from drugs and plastics to soil and minerals.
30 Jul 2019
Exploring the Gender Pay Gap in Rural Scotland
This scoping study explored the extent of the gender pay gap in rural Scotland, how it has changed over recent years, and potential reasons that might explain its extent and fluctuations over time.
19 Jul 2019
The Impact of Change on Rural Businesses
Through a series of Rural Business Surveys, our research is developing a better understanding of the characteristics, contributions and aspirations of rural businesses across the South and North-East of Scotland.
12 Jun 2019
Is the demographic tide turning for some Island Communities?
In recent months population trends in remote and Sparsely Populated Areas (SPA) of Scotland have become a political issue, not least due to fears about the likely impact of post-Brexit migration policy.
3 Jun 2019
Barbervax®: giving blood-sucking parasitic worms a taste of their own medicine
This case study is part of a series focusing on the importance of sustained funding for fundamental and strategic research. The first in this series summarises the research behind Barbervax®: a vaccine for the Barber’s Pole Worm, Haemonchus contortus.
21 May 2019
Long-term warming of the River Spey
River temperature influences biogeochemical processes and aquatic ecology. Sustaining cool river temperatures in Scotland is essential for aquatic ecology (including the habitat and health of Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta).
1 May 2019
Scotland’s harmful acidic soils - Can liming improve cropping sustainability?
The Soil Survey of Scotland shows that large areas of Scotland have acidic soils. Soils with a pH less than 5.6 inhibit root growth, which can reduce crop yields.
23 Apr 2019
Cadmium, crabmeat and consumer health
Crabmeat is an excellent source of protein but also provides good levels of important minerals, vitamins and beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. However, the meat from the brown crab (Cancer pagurus) can also contain the heavy metal cadmium, both in the white meat but especially so in the brown meat.
20 Mar 2019
Learning By Doing: Understanding and Managing for Ecological Resilience
Our natural environment is facing threats from a range of environmental drivers, including climate change, invasive non-native species, novel pests and diseases, over-exploitation, and pollution.
20 Mar 2019
Mycotoxin contamination in cereal products and human exposure from the diet
Mycotoxins are unavoidable, natural food contaminants which are produced by fungi growing on agricultural crops. Growth can occur in the field or in storage.
6 Mar 2019
Climate Change and Parasitism – Breaking the Cycle
This case study will summarise ongoing research on Teladorsagia circumcincta, one of the most common and economically important endemic parasites to control in sheep in the UK.
27 Feb 2019
Socioeconomic and biodiversity impacts of driven grouse moors in Scotland
In May 2017, the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform announced commissioning of “research into the costs and benefits of large shooting estates to Scotland’s economy and biodiversity”1. The focus of the Cabinet Secretary’s announcement was ‘driven grouse shooting’.
28 Jan 2019
Breeding to Reduce Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle
Beef production is very important for Scotland's economy (economic output of £851 million in 2017) and for providing the high quality and iconic, ‘Scotch Beef’ brand.
14 Jan 2019
Common Interest Groups: Helping smaller businesses to succeed through partnership
The food and drink supply chain is dominated by small and micro businesses. In Scotland more than 95% of businesses in the sector employ less than 12 people. Many of these smaller companies have a common desire to grow and succeed but this can be is hampered by their size.
13 Dec 2018
The Demographic Challenges Facing Scotland's Sparsely Populated Areas
This case study summarises ongoing work exploring how changes in the population of remote and rural areas in Scotland affect the social, economic and ecological resilience of these areas.
5 Nov 2018
The economic cost of animal disease: Winners and losers from Johne’s disease
SEFARI scientists, in collaboration with other research partners, provide evidence which informs the Scottish Government about the economic consequences of animal diseases.
16 Oct 2018
The Fruits of Their Labour: Seasonal Farm Workers in Scottish Agriculture
Scotland’s agricultural sector relies heavily on seasonal non-UK workers, particularly from central and eastern Europe, to meet its labour demand. Despite their importance for this sector, there was a lack of detailed information about them This case study draws on findings from SRUC’s recent study, funded by the Scottish Government, which aimed to improve our understanding of the labour market in Scottish agriculture.