24 Jul 2024

How well do Defra’s new farm support policies promote animal welfare?

Defra’s Sustainable Farming Incentive directs farm support payments towards public goods which include healthier, higher welfare animals.

This policy briefing looks at the likely animal welfare impact of two current elements

1) The Annual Health and Welfare Review

Animal Health & Welfare; Rural Economy

16 Jul 2024

BioSS Methodical Research lay summaries

Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland specialise in the development and application of the quantitative methods needed to enhance scientific knowledge and impact.

BioSS Methodical Research

16 Jul 2024

Rural Futures lay summaries

Rural Scotland comprises 98% of Scotland’s land mass and is home to 17% of Scotland’s people. In 2018, the GVA of the rural economy was reported to be £37.6 billion which represents 26% of Scotland’s total.

Rural Futures

16 Jul 2024

Natural Resources lay summaries

Scotland’s natural resources (air, soil, water, biodiversity) supply many essential ecosystem services which benefit human health, safety and wellbeing.  They are also key to addressing climate change and biodiversity decline, and in promoting sustainable land use and a green economy.  To protect, enhance and optimi

Natural Resources

16 Jul 2024

Human Impacts on the Environment lay summaries

The Human Impacts on the Environment theme brings together research on activities that have a direct environmental impact including on the climate, land use and resource use. The individual projects within the theme are summarised in this document.

Human Impacts on the Environment

16 Jul 2024

The Spark - SEFARI Gateway's Newsletter – June and July 2024

The 8th edition of The Spark, SEFARI Gateway’s Newsletter, an update on the latest research developments from the Scottish Government’s Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture (ENRA) strategic research programme.

SEFARI Gateway

16 Jul 2024

Sustainable Food System and Supply lay summaries

The Sustainable Food System and Supply research theme is investigating all topics on food from sustainable and secure food production to supporting a safe and healthy diet. The interdisciplinary research goes from farm to fork, contributing to the economy, people's livelihoods and the health of the nation.

Sustainable Food System and Supply

16 Jul 2024

Plant and Animal Health lay summaries

Lay summaries for the projects within the Plant and Animal Health research theme. This document summarises the work ongoing to protect and develop high quality agricultural crops and livestock to underpin Scotland's growing food sector.

Plant and Animal Health

9 Jul 2024

Developing a framework for costing action on biodiversity in Scotland

A SEFARI Gateway Fellowship Report prepared by Dr Michaela Roberts.

SEFARI Gateway

18 Jun 2024

Specialist Advisory Group on Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Environment Natural Resources & Agriculture Policy - Initial Workshop Findings

A SEFARI Gateway Specialist Advisory Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been created to advise the Scottish Government on the use, future opportunities, risks and regulatory aspects of AI both as being used, or might be applied, to support Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture (ENRA) policy in Scotla

SEFARI Gateway
