14 Oct 2019

Hemp’s role in diet biodiversification and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Facing current environmental emergencies, governments worldwide have set themselves ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at national levels. Scotland is eager to make a pivotal contribution by setting a target of net-zero GHG emissions by 2045 and to reduce emissions by 75% by 2030.

30 Sep 2019

High-Performance Computing for Innovative Science: Clusters, communication and caramel wafers

High Performance Computing (HPC) is making major contributions across a wide breadth of scientific disciplines and is essential for advanced data processing for data visualization, mathematical modelling, data simulations and computational biology. HPC is also a topic we have a range of expertise in across SEFARI and is vital to our research.

30 Aug 2019

Cowtastrophy: Tested in the Field!

In a previous blog article we described the development of the Cowtastrophy web app which was funded by the SEFARI Gateway’s Responsive Opportunity Fund. The main aim of the app is to communicate some of the key concepts which drive livestock disease control policies to a non-scientific audience.

1 Jul 2019

Mitigating against, and adapting to, the effects of climate change: Grasslands and Crop Genetics

Finding ways to reduce and cope with the impact of climate change is vital to us all. In this blog, SEFARI researchers outline their ongoing work to find new ways to help; firstly, discussing how grasses have an important role in carbon sequestration and then outlining how a better understanding of crop genetics will enable us to cope with climate change and improve food security.

11 Jun 2019

Working with growers to manage the agronomic challenges to crop production

In this blog, Professor Fiona Burnett of SRUC shares her experiences of agronomy (a branch of agricultural science that deals with the study of crops and the soils in which they grow). Fiona discusses integrated and sustainable ways of producing barley with growers who are concerned about the impact that fertiliser and pesticide inputs can have on the carbon footprint of the crop.

25 Apr 2019

Developing capacity to understand and use climate projections for Scotland

The challenge of envisioning the future climate of Scotland has been made easier due to a new set of climate change projections for the UK (UKCP18). Climate change is likely to substantially alter many aspects of our lives, our environment and economy. Therefore, it cuts across many policy domains and all sectors.

8 Apr 2019

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Cropping Systems

We are pleased that Bob Rees, Scotland’s Rural College is able discuss reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cropping systems. This post was originally published by the Scottish Parliament’s Information Centre (SPICe), who commissioned SEFARI to write a series of blogs to stimulate debate on this issue. SEFARI research takes a collaborative

8 Apr 2019

Is Smart Farming a solution for Scottish agriculture?

We are pleased that Andrew Barnes and Vera EoryScotland’s Rural College are able to discuss the role of precision agriculture in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

8 Apr 2019

What we eat, and meeting our climate change commitments

We are pleased that Jennie Macdiarmid, the Rowett Institute is able to discuss the links between what we eat and our climate change commitments.

8 Apr 2019

Livestock health and greenhouse gases: Ruminating on climate change

We are pleased that Philip Skuce, SEFARI Gateway and Moredun Research Institute and Michael MacLeodScotland’s Rural College are able to discuss how improving animal health can reduce the impact of livestock on climate change.
