3 Oct 2018

Bog Blog – behind the scenes of a new film about restoring our peatlands

We are pleased that Dr Rebekka Artz and Gillian Donaldson-Selby, The James Hutton Institute can share their experiences on making a new 360° film about the importance of peatland restoration for helping to mitigate climate change.

1 Oct 2018

Climate Change - Discussing Extreme Scenarios

This week is Climate Week, which seeks to raise awareness of the issues and highlight how Scotland is a world leader in trying to tackle climate change.

25 Sep 2018

Antimicrobials: A topic for the table

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a major public health and food safety concern across the world, with resistance often being considered as one of the biggest challenges facing us. The sometimes mis-guided overuse of antimicrobial medicines in both human health and agricultural production systems has led to a rise in antibiotic resistant infections and the use of these medicines is therefore attracting increasing regulatory scrutiny.


21 Sep 2018

How could a better understanding of appetite help us stay healthy?

Do you ‘eat to live’ or ‘live to eat’? Our individual relationship with food is complex, often changed by influences such as cost, availability or peer pressure. Our appetite, or the desire for food, is a major stimulus for eating but even this isn’t fixed and changes as we age.

6 Sep 2018

No Hitchhikers! Biosecurity on display at the Botanics

We are pleased that Dr Katy Hayden, Plant Health Officer, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), can tell us more about a new interactive public exhibit on plant and animal biosecurity at the RBGE. Katy led a project team who were recently awarded SEFARI Gateway Responsive Opportunity Funds (ROF) to create this display. ​

8 Aug 2018

Protecting Potatoes: Unearthing Scotland’s Story

We are delighted that Max Coleman, Science Communicator, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE), can tell us more about our much loved tatties. Max led a project team who were recently awarded SEFARI Gateway Responsive Opportunity Funds (ROF) to create new displays about protecting potatoes, which are now open to the public at RBGE.

30 Jul 2018

The Rural Innovation Support Service

We are delighted that Megan Welford, Farming and Land Use Communications Manager, Rural Innovation Support Service (RISS), can tell us about this new service. RISS is getting the right people together to make a difference to rural businesses across Scotland and they’d like even more researchers to help by sharing their expertise.

20 Jun 2018

The Royal Highland Show – The Full Picture

Working in research we regularly need to focus on the detail, but it is still important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture - so for this year’s Royal Highland Show we decided to use technology to help.

20 Jun 2018

Scotland's Food Future: Showcase at the Scottish Parliament

Scotland’s thriving food and drink industry is a major contributor to the economy, worth £14 billion each year. Ambition 2030, the new industry-led strategy, aims to increase the value of the sector in Scotland to £30 billion by 2030.

13 Jun 2018

A One-stop Shop Helping Safeguard Scotland Against Plant Health Threats

We are pleased that Professor Ian Toth, Head of the Plant Health Centre, is able to tell us more about this new virtual centre and why working together is crucial for enhancing Scotland's resilience in the face of threats to arable crops, trees, horticulture, and wild plants.
