1 May 2020

How to be a nutritionist when you have no one to feed

During the COVID-19 crisis SEFARI research institutes are not able to conduct human nutrition trials but that doesn’t mean we can’t find other ways to help.

24 Apr 2020

Diet Detectives

In this blog we discuss our new project called Diet Detectives, which is supported by SEFARI Gateway's Responsive Opportunity Fund.

21 Apr 2020

Modelling for Pandemic Preparedness: A Need for a One Health Approach

The UK government stated strategy is to manage the COVID-19 pandemic “led by the science”. However, calls for more transparency about what this really means are getting louder.

17 Apr 2020

Accessible Education Resources – Coming Soon

Online educational activities and resources are needed more than ever at the moment to help with home schooling. In this blog, find out how SEFARI is trying to help by making our educational resources more accessible and discover a few of our activities on food, agriculture and the environment that are either available now or are coming very soon.

17 Feb 2020

Reviewing Ecological Focus Areas: A Cross Pollination of Ideas

Lorna Cole, SRUC summarises a recently

17 Feb 2020

Community gardens: Providing shoots of support but not alleviating the root causes of food poverty

Are urban community food growing projects the answer to the problem of food poverty and the seemingly eve

4 Feb 2020

Innovative New Tool: Food swapping for healthier and more sustainable diets

Despite national dietary guidelines, our typical diet still contains too many calories, saturated fat, salt and sugar, whilst having insufficient amounts of fibre, fruits, vegetables and fish.

19 Dec 2019

Understanding Eating Practices In Scotland

Promoting more healthful food practices is a central goal for policy makers and health professionals in many high-income countries.

9 Dec 2019

Scotland’s Biodiversity Research – Developing a Thematic Framework to Help Deliver Action

The threat to biodiversity is increasingly recognised as a global challenge on a par with climate change. Indeed, the two threats are linked, climate change affects biodiversity and the current Scottish Government Programme for Government notes that “biodiversity loss and the climate emergency are intimately bound together”.

14 Nov 2019

‘Plant Teams’ on Lismore - Sharing Knowledge Whatever the Weather!

In this blog, we are delighted Dr Alison Karley is able to share with us details of her recent Responsive Opportunity project, during which she visited the island of Lismore to discuss intercropping and the benefits it can have for agricultural sustainability.
