25 Apr 2022

Glasdrum Wood National Nature Reserve: Exploring the perceived impacts of different management interventions on woodland benefits

People will have different understandings about the range of benefits a woodland can offer, and some people might prefer one type of benefit over another.

Land and Communities

25 Apr 2022

Cumbernauld Glen: Exploring the perceived impacts of different management interventions on woodland benefits

People will have different understandings about the range of benefits a woodland can offer, and some people might prefer one type of benefit over another.

Land and Communities

25 Apr 2022

Cumbernauld Forest Wood: Exploring the perceived impacts of different management interventions on woodland benefits

People will have different understandings about the range of benefits a woodland can offer, and some people might prefer one type of benefit over another.

Land and Communities

25 Apr 2022

Clunes and the Tom an Eireannaich woodland: Exploring the impacts of different management interventions on woodland benefits

People will have different understandings about the range of benefits a woodland can offer, and some people might prefer one type of benefit over another.

Land and Communities

14 Apr 2022

Large-scale land acquisition for carbon: opportunities and risks

Interest in carbon markets has increased rapidly in recent months, leading to new market opportunities and interest in acquiring land to invest in natural capital, typically through tree planting and restoration of degraded peatland habitats.

8 Apr 2022

The ongoing impacts of Covid-19 in Scotland’s rural and island communities

Summary report, March 2022


Land and Communities

31 Mar 2022

Roles of Spatial Data by Regional Land Use Partnerships Report (Draft)

The Scottish Government Programme for Government (2021/22) commits to the creation of Regional Land Use Partnerships (RLUPs) and Regional Land Use Framework (RLUFs), as set out in the Land Use Strategy.

23 Mar 2022

Appendices to the SEFARI report on ‘The adoption of agroecological principles in Scottish farming and their contribution towards agricultural sustainability and resilience’

Appendices to the SEFARI report on ‘The adoption of agroecological principles in Scottish farming and their contribution towards agricultural sustainability and resilience.’ This Agroecology in Scotland is understood differently by different people and at times contrary to what constitutes agroecology.

23 Mar 2022

The adoption of agroecological principles in Scottish farming and their contribution towards agricultural sustainability and resilience

Agroecology in Scotland is understood differently by different people and at times contrary to what constitutes agroecology.

22 Mar 2022

Covid-19 Food and Drink Sector Specialist Advisory Group for Scotland's Rural Economy & Expert Advisors

In the face of COVID-19 and the immediate (and anticipated) impact on the food and drink sector across rural Scotland, the Scottish Environment Food Agriculture Research Institutes (SEFARI) and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) established the SEFARI supported knowledge exchange ‘COVID-19 Food and Drink Sector
