21 Jul 2021
Food and Drink Innovation and Clustering in Scotland’s Highlands and Islands: review of opportunities for engagement with the Arctic Region
This preliminary research explored food and drink innovation and clustering in Scotland’s Highlands and Islands and reviewed potential opportunities for engagement with partners in the Arctic region.
15 Jun 2021
Food and Drink Innovation and Clustering in Scotland’s Highlands and Islands: Summary
The summary outlines the economic and policy contexts of the Arctic region, drawing out contrasts and similarities with the Highlands and Islands.
22 Apr 2021
The Transport, Fate and Impact of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment in Scotland
A SEFARI Specialist Advisory Group was established to understand the level of risk of the most prevalent pharmaceuticals found in the environment as a result of (human) clinical use in the Scottish environment. Veterinary pharmaceuticals were not considered in this project.
22 Apr 2021
Enabling digital social innovations in environmental monitoring in support of Scotland’s green recovery and the SDG 2030 agenda: a suggested strategy 2021-2025
Delivered as part of SEFARI Fellowship with NatureScot and SEPA, this report sets out a draft vision for digital social innovations in environmental monitoring to address local to global scale environmental challenges and support a green recovery. Building on existing initiatives e.g.