10 Jan 2018
The Use of Vaccine Programmes in Livestock Systems
A Powerpoint presentation on the use and cost/benefits of vaccines for treating livestock
10 Jan 2018
Control of a parasitic nematode in sheep by vaccination with recombinant antigens
A poster summarising two trials testing the immunity of sheep to T. Circumcincta once treated with a recombinant vaccine; the trials found that sheep treated with this vaccine had higher levels of protection against this parisitic nematode in the definitive host.
10 Jan 2018
Impact of Controlling of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus in Livestock Through Evidence-driven Behaviour Changes on Farms and Through Veterinarians
Established health schemes to control Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) on Scottish farms and subsequently underpinned the rationale for cost-effective control strategies that have been adopted in health schemes around the UK.
17 Nov 2017
BVDV eradication in Scotland
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) is an economically important disease of cattle that causes abortion, infertility, and may increase rates of respiratory and gastro-intestinal disorders.
17 Nov 2017
BVD Prevalence in Scottish Beef Suckler Herds
Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is a common and costly disease in beef suckler and dairy herds worldwide. BVD leads to fertility problems in cows, death in persistently infected (PI) animals and predisposes animals of all ages to infection with other agents such as respiratory and enteric pathogens.
25 Oct 2017
Rural Affairs, Food and Environment Research Strategy for 2016 - 2021
This strategy sets out the principles and processes behind the investment we will make in research for the Rural Affairs, Food and Environment portfolio from 2016 to 2021.