23 May 2023

RESAS Conference 2023 - Keynote - Simon Fuller

'Bridging the gap between science and policy to achieve our climate and nature goals' - Simon Fuller

Keynote presentation, RESAS Conference 2023.

SEFARI Gateway

22 May 2023

IKE - An online tool for interpreting faecal egg count (FEC) results

A free online tool was developed to assist farmers, vets and livestock health advisors in the interpretation of the clinical implication of faecal egg count (FEC) results from sheep.

Animal Health & Welfare

13 Apr 2023

Identifying research priorities for the use of agri-tech to improve productivity, efficiency and sustainability in beef and sheep livestock production systems in Scotland Report

The aim of this SEFARI Spark/Think Tank project, designed to scope current topical issues, was to identify research priority areas for agri-tech use in beef and sheep livestock production systems, where uptake is currently limited.

12 Apr 2023

Scoping requirements for avian influenza surveillance and testing for wild birds in Scotland Briefing

This project is supporting the NatureScot Scientific Advisory Committee avian influenza sub-group to increase capacity for wild bird testing for both passive and active surveillance to fully identify the scale of the problem and to support decision making in reducing the spread and impact of this disease.<

31 Jan 2023

Research Highlights 2021-2022

This report provides selected highlights from the year 2021-22 of the Scottish Government-funded Strategic Research Programme (SRP). The SRP, and its underpinning of SEFARI, is delivering integrated, interdisciplinary research that is creating significant innovation and practice change.

17 Jan 2023

Strategic Research Programme 2016-22 Final Report

This report summarises the extensive and multifaceted impacts arising from the Strategic Research Programme 2016-2022, supporting Scotland’s commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals and including impacts showcased throughout COP26.
