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Identifying the causes of biodiversity change with specific references to the Intergovernmental Science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services drivers

Identifying the causes of biodiversity change with specific references to the Intergovernmental Science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services drivers

  • Biodiversity
  • 2022-2027


Biodiversity loss is the result of human activity and the overuse of natural capital. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) recognises this as the main driver of the loss of biodiversity and decline in ecosystem service supply. However, the IPBES categorises it as an indirect driver of biodiversity loss as it acts through five direct drivers of loss: land use change, climate change, pollution, invasive species and direct exploitation. These drivers have been shown to have a wide-scale impact on biodiversity.

Agriculture is a significant contributor to the global decline in biodiversity, directly through land use change and environmental impacts but also indirectly through climate change. In the arable sector, neither alternative approaches to conventional agriculture nor legislation has proved effective in mitigating these adverse effects. Much has been written about insect declines, but the evidence is contested and is generally poorly linked to explanatory drivers. Aphids are a widespread and often abundant component of insect communities. Due to their biology and life cycle, they provide an excellent indicator of local environmental conditions.

One of the biggest predicted climatic drivers of change for Scotland is drought. There is a particular urgency in understanding the responses of forest systems given the decadal periods required for the growth of trees to maturity; trees established now will likely experience significant climate changes as they grow to maturity. This is a particularly important research need for a species such as Scots pine, with its wide genetic variability even within its Scottish native populations. 

Salmon populations are also in decline, with climate and land use change identified as potential drivers. However, pollution and in particular exposure to chemical contaminants may be contributing to this decline. Although many of these chemicals may be present in waters at sub-lethal concentrations. Endocrine Disrupting Compounds alter hormone systems and affect reproductive development and function in aquatic animals (such as salmon), with consequent impacts at the population level.

Another key global driver of biodiversity loss is the invasion of non-native species. They can seriously impact individual species and have ecosystem-level consequences. Current risk assessment approaches to invasive non-native species do not allow generic assessments to be developed, nor consider the wider socioeconomic aspects of invasive non-native species. Risk assessments are currently done at the level of an individual plant pest or pathogen.


  • What adaptation strategies, including improvements to current management and novel approaches, could be used to improve the resilience of Scotland’s environment—particularly in the face of climate change and cumulative threats?
  • How does productive land use impact biodiversity values and ecosystem functions in different ecosystems or landscapes, and how might this change with future climate variability? How do management choices manifest themselves in the distribution of costs and benefits for people, and at what scale?
  • What measures can we use to better understand not only the effects individually of the main Drivers of Biodiversity Loss but also the spatial and temporal scales at which they operate to better understand their interactions and how these might be modified with climate change?


This project aims to identify how the "IPBES drivers" affect key parts of Scotland’s biodiversity. It focuses on:

  • The ecosystem level, in terms of understanding how climate change is affecting system resilience and how systems can be managed to improve resilience.
  • The habitat level to understand how climate change or invasive species can affect important habitats.
  • The species level, in terms of understanding which drivers are resulting in changes in species abundances.


Building resilience and sustainable land use

Scotland’s landscapes are cultural, the results of millennia of interactions between biodiversity and human use. In upland areas, where almost all of Scotland’s semi-natural habitats occur, we need to identify management options that protect biodiversity and build resilience for future environmental change. In contrast, past land use change has driven biodiversity in the lowlands to the edges and agri-environment schemes have aimed at reversing these trends. We will investigate how increasing the scale of management intervention can reverse these trends and increase the resilience of lowland biodiversity.

Climate change, pollution and land use change have both direct and indirect impacts on biodiversity. Species abundances and ranges might be directly affected by temperature, nitrogen toxicity or reduced or increased land use intensity. However, the former two drivers could have indirect impacts, for example, increased productivity coupled with reduced grazing would lead to shading out of low-growing plant species and increased fuel load for wildfires; this project will take the novel step of identifying these indirect impacts. We need to work across multiple drivers to understand biodiversity loss and identify sustainable management strategies to adapt to global change and so the project will provide advice to land managers on strategies to mitigate global change impacts on grazed ecosystems.

Agriculture is a significant contributor to the global decline in biodiversity, directly through land use change and environmental impacts but also indirectly through climate change. In the arable sector, neither alternative approaches to conventional agriculture (e.g., organic or integrated farming) nor legislation has proved effective in mitigating these adverse effects. In England, Famer Clusters are becoming a popular approach in which farmers work collectively at the landscape scale to tackle shared concerns. We will investigate the potential of the approach to reverse biodiversity loss by improving farmland management at landscape scales.


Apportioning biodiversity change to different drivers 

For the first time, we are analysing trends for Scotland in aphid species abundance, composition, and diversity concerning land use, pollution (pesticides) and climate. This is showing where drivers act individually or in concert to affect the abundance of specific taxa or groups of species and could highlight taxa acting as indicators of change. We are also using a unique experimental platform, a “sapling bank” of native Scots pine with several hundred individuals of known provenance to assess drought impacts on the Caledonian pine forest, a nationally important habitat. We are also assessing how Endocrine Disrupting Compounds are distributed in aquatic systems, quantifying how they bio-magnify through the food chain and bio-accumulate in salmon and assessing their impacts on biodiversity and commercial interests.


The effects of invasive and non-native species, pests, and pathogens on ecosystems

We are identifying potential invasive species, their management and linkages between biodiversity impacts and socio-economic consequences to improve proactive management of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) across Scotland. This research exploits novel approaches to the use of environmental DNA to catalogue biodiversity via metabarcoding and use it to discover microbial plant pathogens that threaten biodiversity. This is the first time there has been an exploration of a broad range of oomycete INNS, such as Phytophthora, to better understand their biodiversity, spread and impact on plant health in key Scottish environments. We are developing a risk assessment approach for non-native plant pests and pathogens that identifies habitats at greatest risk because of a lack of functional redundancy, a novel approach to risk assessments. We are improving our understanding of the socio-economic implications of the establishment and spread of INNS in Scotland by collating existing cost data and building on this through the addition of expert consultation. The outputs include a framework for determining the biological, social, and economic implications of the establishment and spread of INNS.

Project Partners

James Hutton Institute


2022 / 2023
2022 / 2023

Building resilience and sustainable land use

Initial results from fine-scale habitat structure and territory location models suggest that the NDVI (normalised difference vegetation index) drone data picks up treatment level differences in vegetation structure, correlates well to field measures of height and suggests meadow pipit territory size is affected by habitat structure. Bird and structure monitoring at Glen Finglas has been carried out successfully. A collaboration with a Farmer Cluster based in Aberdeenshire has been agreed and a plan established to support their exploration and adoption of appropriate biodiversity sensitive production practices. Monitoring strategies have been agreed including specialist vegetation, pollinator and bird surveys, plus the development of citizen science (farmer and public) based monitoring. 

Apportioning biodiversity change to different drivers

The aphid suction trap database has been compiled and a meeting with Science & Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA) has taken place to assess the availability and suitability of pesticide datasets. Requests for Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) and AgCensus land use data are in progress. Detailed assessment of predicted future changes in drought have been performed, and the first drought experiments were set up in spring 2022 to test short- and longer-duration drought responses of young pines from different Caledonian pineforest locations. End of season growth and condition measurements were taken in autumn 2022 and the spring 2023 budburst would be recorded soon. Levels of chemical pollutants in UK and Scottish rivers have reviewed. The River Dee has been chosen as a study area for the sampling campaign and the target compounds (Endocrine Disrupting Compounds and heavy metals) have been selected for contaminant monitoring. Water and salmon samples will be collected from the river in the next years to be analysed for these contaminants.

The effects of invasive and non-native species, pests and pathogens on ecosystems

In consultation with Forest Research and Forest and Land Scotland, Western Hemlock and Douglas Fir plantations on the Cowal Peninsular were identified and sampled for the presence of Phytophthora pluvialis and other species via Illumina metabarcoding. PCR amplification of the new rps10 marker is working on existing samples, and matched sets of samples with the existing ITS1 marker are being prepared for Illumina sequencing for cross validation. Fifteen additional Scottish invasive species values have been submitted to the InvaCost database. A report on the existing data on values of Scottish invasive species is well progressed. Five different methods for prioritising habitats for surveillance of non-native pests/pathogens have been assessed. 

A workshop has been organised between NatureScot, Scotland's Chief Plant Health Officer, the Centre of Expertise on Plant Health and Dr Ruth Mitchell to discuss the risks posed to plant health and wider biodiversity. The workshop 'fed' into the Draft Plant Health Contingency Plan and discussing roles, responsibilities and resources for monitoring plant health in the natural environment.


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