1 Apr 2024

Seasonality in soft fruit supply: distributional impact on nutrient demand and purchases

The production of soft fruits in Scotland, the main fruit category produced in the country, has a marked seasonality. This has a mirroring effect on nutrition and the quality of diet consumers are exposed to every year.

However, very little is known about how seasonal fluctuations in Scottish soft fruit supply affect the quantity of soft fruit bought and nutrient intake among different income groups, and this is the focus of a SEFARI study.

28 Mar 2024

What can young people's social connections tell us about their migration patterns in rural Scotland?

Youth out-migration in Scotland’s rural communities remains a significant concern, and increasing levels of youth retention, in-migration, and return are seen as key to longer-term population sustainability. While youth out-migration in rural places is often linked to limited employment and housing opportunities and constraints of services in rural places, evidence also shows that experiences of belonging, and family connections are important in shaping young people's migration patterns.

22 Mar 2024

Your Planet Your Future

Over 600 school children aged 11 to 18 years old from 9 council areas in Scotland attended the ‘Your Plant-Your Future’ event at Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh on 5th March 2024. The aim of the event was to engage young people, raise awareness of the many environmental issues facing Scotland today, and inspire them to consider a future in a STEM related career- in an attempt to address the skills gap that currently exists.

20 Mar 2024

SEFARI Fellowship: Bridging Science Tech and Policy for Environmental Impact

Dr Zisis Gagkas believes that “We shouldn’t be doing research just for research’s sake, it should be about research making an impact and helping to meet society’s needs”. Therefore, Zisis decided to apply for a SEFARI Gateway Fellowship where he could work with policy colleagues to help with better land-use decision making.

12 Mar 2024

Understanding Food Practices in Scotland - Blog Update

Promoting more healthful food practices is a central goal for policy makers and health professionals in many high-income countries, but it isn’t easy to achieve.

8 Mar 2024

Inspiring change one step at a time

Here at SEFARI, we strive to make the world more sustainable, greener, and equal and we’ve got an amazing team of people who make this possible. As its International Women’s Day, we’ve decided to highlight some of the work done by our female researchers and/or our research that is addressing key issues affecting women.

8 Mar 2024

Celebrating the Inspiring Women in Gateway

Over the centuries women have led the way in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) making life changing discoveries, especially here in Scotland. This International Women’s Day we’re shining a light on some of the inspiring women we have working with us at Gateway.

5 Mar 2024

Do We Know What We Eat? - Proteomics in Meat Authentication

There is a well-known saying: "We are what we eat". But do we really know what we are eating? This is a difficult question to answer as in our interconnected and rapidly globalising world, getting food from farm to fork has become a complex and tangled web.

In this blog, Dr Renata Garbellini Duft (from the Rowett Institute) discusses how science is helping to identify the provenance of our food and, in particular, how proteomics can be used in meat authentication.

28 Feb 2024

Where are we on the reduction of food inflation?

The rising cost of food is an issue that concerns and affects everyone. Recent food inflation figures indicate food prices have started to fall, however, prices remain high and particularly for certain foods.

21 Nov 2023

F5 Future Food, Fisheries, Farming and Forestry Conference

The Scottish Government aims to become a global leader in sustainable agriculture, deliver high quality, nutritious food while minimizing impact on climate and our environment. This will clearly require a collaborative and inclusive approach to enable understanding of the competing issues and where different sectors can work more effectively together to achieve the required goals.
