This page lists the news items which are older than a year. Items newer than a year can be viewed on our main News page.

17 Jan 2020

Dr Tony Craig appointed head of Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences

The James Hutton Institute

"SEGS is a hugely important and distinctive capability for the Institute. Tony is an excellent appointment and has lots of ideas about how to build SEGS even further"

15 Jan 2020

Professor Rob Brooker appointed to Ecological Sciences leadership

The James Hutton Institute

"This is a critical time for the environment in Scotland and globally (...) I look forward to working with colleagues in the group to develop our science to help address the key challenges of climate change, the global biodiversity crisis, and developing sustainable farming systems"

9 Jan 2020

2020, International Year of Plant Health and Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters

The James Hutton Institute

"Both IYPH and YCW are especially crucial to galvanise everything that is a factor in plant health and water security, including soil, climate, plant science and water use, so all of these areas of research need to be intensified, redoubled and well-funded to protect people from the negative effects we are seeing al

7 Jan 2020

SEFARI Fellowship with Highlands and Islands Enterprise on Arctic Food Innovation Clusters

The SEFARI Gateway is pleased to announce that David Watts, the Rowett Institute will be taking on the latest SEFARI Fellowship.

1 Jan 2020

2021, International Year of Fruits and Vegetables

The James Hutton Institute

"The Institute is at the forefront of making positive, direct contributions to inform policies and actions in many areas, including research to develop resilient, productive crop varieties to help us reach the Sustainable Development Goals"

17 Dec 2019

Ideas for climate-smart, nutritious festive meals

The James Hutton Institute

"As part of a review on potatoes and human health we have shown that potatoes are a significant source of vitamins and a whole host of macro and microminerals"

13 Dec 2019

TalentScotland Ambassador roles for Hutton members of staff

The James Hutton Institute

"With such a highly skilled and diverse workforce, the James Hutton Institute was seen as the ideal organisation to help build our Talent Ambassador Network"

12 Dec 2019

RSGS Honorary Fellowship for Professor Alison Hester

The James Hutton Institute

"Alison has brought sound science to enable issues to be addressed through her rigorous and objective scientific approach and challenging the apparent experts with a depth of knowledge second to none"

5 Dec 2019

Lynbreck Croft wins Nature of Scotland Food and Farming Award

The James Hutton Institute

"Food and farming are becoming even more important as Scotland aims to expand its food and drink sector, and this award recognises the people who are managing our farmland and producing food in ways that support nature"

5 Dec 2019

World Soil Day: why we need to protect our peatlands from erosion

The James Hutton Institute

"Every year, we lose some of our precious agricultural soil to erosion, and, similarly, out of our 1.9 million hectares of peatland, about 270,000 hectares show evidence of peat erosion"

5 Dec 2019

World Soil Day: the disappearing ground beneath our feet

The James Hutton Institute

"We cannot be complacent if we want to conserve the soil and the carbon, nutrients and biodiversity it holds for future generations"

26 Nov 2019

Hutton scientist appointed first-ever female chair of influential soft fruit group

The James Hutton Institute

"I feel truly privileged and honoured to be elected to represent and promote activities of this working group, a fantastic community of over 400 outstanding researchers and members of society"

25 Nov 2019

New appointments strengthen International Barley Hub initiative

The James Hutton Institute

"The solid funding promised by UK and Scottish governments recognises the current and ongoing importance of barley to Scotland, the UK, Europe and the world"

19 Nov 2019

Hutton science excellence underlined by Highly Cited Researchers 2019 list

The James Hutton Institute

"The influential contributions made by Philip and John have been aptly recognised with their inclusion in the Highly Cited list"

13 Nov 2019

The search is on for the UK's best NEWBIE entrant farmers

The James Hutton Institute

“If you represent a farm business or if you know of a farm business that demonstrates innovation and resilience, we want to hear from you: submit your entry for the NEWBIE Award 2019”

13 Nov 2019

Intercropping in practice: new mini-film launched

The James Hutton Institute

“We hope it will encourage more farmers to try intercropping and serve as a training resource for anyone interested in sustainable agriculture in Scotland”

12 Nov 2019

Fact-finding mission to China promotes joint research on sustainable agriculture

The James Hutton Institute

"Although soybean is native to China, there are still issues to overcome regarding its cultivation there, one of which is over-use of fertilisers"

8 Nov 2019

Collaborative research at centre of new Hutton-ILVO partnership

The James Hutton Institute

“It is a pleasure to establish links with ILVO as there is huge potential for collaboration. This partnership represents a one-of-a-kind opportunity to realise scientific collaboration between Scotland and Flanders.”

5 Nov 2019

Migration vital to Scotland's future workforce, expert panel finds

The James Hutton Institute

"Scotland can learn a lot from how other countries use immigration programmes to address skills and occupational shortages and attract and retain people in remote and rural areas"

4 Nov 2019

Hutton expertise called upon for Scottish Science Advisory Council

The James Hutton Institute

“It is an honour to be able to contribute to the work of the Council, and support the opportunity for science and policy to work hand in hand”
