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A multi-million pound programme of strategic research delivered over five years providing science and evidence to support policymakers and its partners. Informed by strong partnerships and the needs of a broad range of stakeholders. Science at the heart of society contributing to the health, wealth and wellbeing of Scotland and beyond.

Plant and Animal Health

Protecting Plant and Animal Health to underpin our globally competitive economy and ambition to be a Good Food Nation

Sustainable Food Supply System

Leading the way to a Sustainable Food System and Supply contributing to the economy, livelihoods and the health of Scotland

Human Impacts on the Environment

Supporting the large-scale and coordinated transition to net zero and reduction of Human Impacts on the Environment

Natural Resources

Protecting, valuing and optimising the multiple benefits we recieve from our vital Natural Resources

Rural Futures

Committed to empowered, inclusive and resilient Rural Futures for Scotland’s rural and island communities

Ongoing research (2022-2027)

Displaying 21 - 29 of 29
Research into zoonoses and emerging diseases to protect public health and animal health in Scotland

This project is focusing on understanding the risk of emerging vector-borne zoonoses that could affect human and animal health in Scotland and improving our understanding of the transmission of two bacteria which cause food-borne zoonoses in Scotland. Data generated in this project is informing control strategies and is providing mitigation which could break transmission chains, improve animal welfare and production, and save human life.

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Role of transmission and pathogen components in virulence and disease pathogenesis for important endemic diseases of livestock in Scotland

Investigation of how pathogens responsible for key welfare and production-limiting diseases of Scottish livestock are transmitted to their host animal, determining the key pathogens that are important for infection and disease, and how they interact with the host immune system.

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Strategies to promote sustainable parasite control and reduce anthelmintic usage

This project investigates the environmental impacts of grazing and the use of traditional wormers along with an assessment of the impacts of a range of alternative parasite management strategies on livestock productivity and environmental impact.

  • Improving Agricultural Practice
  • 2022-2027
Tools and technologies: development of new populations, genotyping tools and methods for trait dissection to support horticultural crop improvement, sustainability and resilience

Crop production in Scotland faces many threats. Varieties that withstand the many challenges’ growers face are essential. We are using novel plant populations and tools that examine behaviour under complex stresses and plants’ genetic content to develop high quality resilient crops, reduce inputs and allow the Scottish population to locally source more fruit and vegetables.

  • Crop Improvement
  • 2022-2027
Understanding the dynamics antimicrobial resistance genes flux in the soil, animals and humans in different fertilisation practices in grasslands

This project generates new insights on how the antimicrobial resitance bacteria and genes flow between farm and environment and the risk of different farms practices in the spreading of antimicrobial resistance to humans via the food chain. We analyse antibiotic and heavy metal residues for its role in antimicrobial resistance selection in soil samples. The data is informing the development of a risk model to help assess the impact of different farm management approaches.

  • Diet & Food Safety
  • 2022-2027
Understanding the mismatch between domestic consumption and production in Scotland

This project is generating a new practical understanding of how current Scottish food production matches or differs compared to consumption patterns of Scottish households.. We are using the information about the mismatch between local supply and demand to identify opportunities for increased food security and generating insights between what is produced and what should be consumed based on recommendations. We are also identifying how climate change may affect the local food supply and discuss how to deliver increased resilience. 

  • Food Supply & Security
  • 2022-2027
Understanding the Scottish food supply chain

We are consolidating data to map production, imports and exports of fresh and processed foods for major Scottish agri-food supply chains, and map these against purchasing and intake data, as well as dietary recommendations. We also model the impacts and requirements of a transition to more healthy and sustainable scenarios of production and consumption in Scotland. 

  • Food & Drink Improvements
  • 2022-2027
How rural economies can adapt to key external drivers

The aim of this RD is to improve understanding of recent and anticipated adaptive responses to environmental change, policy drivers and market shifts. This will identify processes of innovation, diversification and collaborative action in agricultural household adjustment and assess future influences on the adaptive capacity of segments of the agriculture sector. 

  • Improving Agricultural Practice
  • Land Use
  • 2016-2022
Resilience of rural economies to key external drivers

The aim of this RD is to address how well Scotland’s rural industries (e.g. farming, forestry and tourism) can cope with outside pressures such as price volatility, new trade agreements and changes in government policies. The key drivers for this research are:

  • Improving Agricultural Practice
  • Land Use
  • Rural Economy
  • Land Reform
  • 2016-2022
