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A multi-million pound programme of strategic research delivered over five years providing science and evidence to support policymakers and its partners. Informed by strong partnerships and the needs of a broad range of stakeholders. Science at the heart of society contributing to the health, wealth and wellbeing of Scotland and beyond.

Plant and Animal Health

Protecting Plant and Animal Health to underpin our globally competitive economy and ambition to be a Good Food Nation

Sustainable Food Supply System

Leading the way to a Sustainable Food System and Supply contributing to the economy, livelihoods and the health of Scotland

Human Impacts on the Environment

Supporting the large-scale and coordinated transition to net zero and reduction of Human Impacts on the Environment

Natural Resources

Protecting, valuing and optimising the multiple benefits we recieve from our vital Natural Resources

Rural Futures

Committed to empowered, inclusive and resilient Rural Futures for Scotland’s rural and island communities

Ongoing research (2022-2027)

Displaying 21 - 30 of 41
Novel diagnostic tools for improved control, monitoring and prevention strategies for the key endemic diseases of livestock in Scotland

Development of novel tools and technologies for the improved control and prevention of economically-important conditions and diseases of livestock in Scotland. These include reproductive failure, lungworms, Johne’s disease, sheep scab, bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) and bovine respiratory disease (BRD).

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Novel vaccines to combat significant endemic diseases of livestock in Scotland: Gastrointestinal nematode parasites of ruminants

The aim of this project is to develop highly effective, optimised, safe, novel vaccines for the control of the most production- and welfare-limiting endemic diseases of Scottish livestock caused by parasitic gastrointestinal nematodes. 

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Novel vaccines to combat significant endemic diseases of livestock in Scotland: Vaccine Delivery Platforms

This project is developing highly effective, optimised, safe, novel vaccines for the control of some of the most production- and welfare-limiting endemic diseases of Scottish livestock.

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Pathways to healthy and sustainable diets: identifying facilitators, barriers and unintended consequences of switching to a more plant-based diet

We explore dietary choices people make when they switch to a more plant-based diet. Plant-based diets are viewed as healthier and sustainable, but little is known about the plant-based foods people choose in place of meat and why. We conduct a series of studies to explore personal and social barriers, both perceived and real, to eating less meat and the health and environmental impacts when meat consumption and purchasing patterns vary.

  • Food & Drink Improvements
  • 2022-2027
Research into zoonoses and emerging diseases to protect public health and animal health in Scotland

This project is focusing on understanding the risk of emerging vector-borne zoonoses that could affect human and animal health in Scotland and improving our understanding of the transmission of two bacteria which cause food-borne zoonoses in Scotland. Data generated in this project is informing control strategies and is providing mitigation which could break transmission chains, improve animal welfare and production, and save human life.

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Risk-benefit analysis of Scottish seaweeds as a sustainable food source
colourful seaweed floating on the surface of water

The project aims to test the evidence that Scottish seaweeds can provide rich, sustainable, plant-based sources of essential dietary micronutrients with an eventual goal to include these as dietary ingredients within foods. A key driver for this research is the need to provide alternative, sustainable sources of micronutrients which will decrease as practices transform to address the climate emergency and the need to achieve Net Zero. This project will determine levels of micronutrients as well heavy metals within selected Scottish seaweed species, and therefore aims to identify seaweed...

  • Human Nutrition
  • 2022-2027
Role of transmission and pathogen components in virulence and disease pathogenesis for important endemic diseases of livestock in Scotland

Investigation of how pathogens responsible for key welfare and production-limiting diseases of Scottish livestock are transmitted to their host animal, determining the key pathogens that are important for infection and disease, and how they interact with the host immune system.

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Strategies to promote sustainable parasite control and reduce anthelmintic usage

This project investigates the environmental impacts of grazing and the use of traditional wormers along with an assessment of the impacts of a range of alternative parasite management strategies on livestock productivity and environmental impact.

  • Improving Agricultural Practice
  • 2022-2027
Towards Carbon Positive Through Improved farming

Agriculture has a key role in sequestering carbon and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions to meet net zero targets. A lack of cost effective, robust, consistent, transparent and accurate methods limits large-scale use of mitigation measures. This project aims are to improve assessments of mitigation practices for additionality, permanence, and uncertainty in achieving net zero, and produce regionally specific options to reduce GHGs and effective monitoring mechanisms.

  • Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
  • 2022-2027
Understanding of the principal drivers of pest and disease incidence, severity, and spread in Scotland, and the factors currently limiting effective disease control

We are delivering a comprehensive body of research that integrates cutting-edge mapping, artificial intelligence, genomics, experimental, and modelling techniques to quantify the abundance, diversity, and spatiotemporal dynamics of key Scottish crop pests and pathogens, as well as the ecology of pest and pathogen-host-environment-management interactions and potential impacts of climate change. 

  • Plant Disease
  • 2022-2027
