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Why Covid is not a good stress test of our food supply chains' resilience

Why Covid is not a good stress test of our food supply chains' resilience

A festive meal (Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay)
"There is an old adage that says if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The first task for policymakers is to understand that, in spite of the mask of resilience it wears, our food system is broken and highly vulnerable"
A festive meal (Photo by Lesley Negus from Pixabay)

By Mike Rivington

Will there be turkeys for Christmas? In spite of some likely strains due to Brexit, labour shortages and the familiar yet ever-evolving disruptions of COVID-19, the answer is a fairly safe yes. Yet this is perhaps surprising. 

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This article was originally posted by The James Hutton Institute