10 Dec 2018

Mars and Mull share similar soil, Hutton analysis finds

The James Hutton Institute

“By comparing each of the Martian soils with all fifteen hundred Scottish soils in our dataset, we consistently find a group of Scottish soil samples that are strikingly similar to those on Mars.

5 Dec 2018

New elite barley could be a budding success

The James Hutton Institute

"These combinations are a promising start and could impact brewing and distilling here and across the globe. The next step is to see how these combinations perform in an elite breeding environment and how well they flourish in the field"

29 Nov 2018

Scotland-India research collaboration delivers clean water for primary schools

The James Hutton Institute

"We have an obligation to reach out to the world with our expertise to help others, to improve lives and advance our understanding of how to manage water sustainably, both now and in response to future challenges"

29 Nov 2018

Views sought on local issues and quality of life in Scottish communities

The James Hutton Institute

"Researchers need to consult practitioners, policy makers, community groups and other stakeholders to identify the most important issues which affect Scotland’s rural areas and small towns"

28 Nov 2018

Views sought on wellbeing and quality of life in Scottish communities

The James Hutton Institute

"There is a clear need for researchers to consult practitioners, policymakers, community groups and several other stakeholders to identify the most important issues and subjects which affect Scotland’s rural areas and small towns"

23 Nov 2018

East Ayrshire farmer wins Nature of Scotland Food and Farming Award

The James Hutton Institute

"Food and farming are becoming even more important as Scotland aims to expand its food and drink sector, and this award recognises the people who are managing our farmland and producing food in ways that support nature"

22 Nov 2018

James Hutton Institute welcomes Tay Cities Deal funding boost

The James Hutton Institute

"The City Deal is a huge vote of confidence in Tayside. Both projects we are involved in represent significant investment in the future of this region, in key sectors for the regional and national economy and have the potential to unlock substantial economic benefits"

14 Nov 2018

International Barley Hub and Magic Margins win VIBES climate change award

The James Hutton Institute

"The VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards are a great chance to recognise business leadership in sustainable environmental investment"

14 Nov 2018

Professor Lorna Dawson and Mrs Anne Pack honoured at investiture ceremonies

The James Hutton Institute

"Lorna and Anne thoroughly deserve these honours which acknowledge their contributions to the Institute and society"

13 Nov 2018

Buntata mobile app profiled in first issue of Global Potato News

The James Hutton Institute

"Buntata is an excellent example of our group’s ability to develop really creative and useful apps, suited to the practical requirements of scientists, industry, farmers and growers"

12 Nov 2018

Hutton research contributes to parliamentary report on agriculture trends

The James Hutton Institute

"These briefings are essential to keep the UK Parliament informed on topics central to our way of life"

6 Nov 2018

New PhD studentship opportunities announced

The James Hutton Institute

Winners of our 2018 postgraduate event (c) James Hutton Institute Throughout their studies PhD students receive support and mentoring from their Institute supervisors and our Postgraduate Student Liaison Team.

31 Oct 2018

Five NFU presidents to judge NEWBIE award for innovative new entrants

The James Hutton Institute

"There is so much innovation occurring on new entrant farms – we hope that raising their profile this way will inspire others to join the sector and innovate."

31 Oct 2018

Buntata Web: easy identification of potato pests and diseases on any device

The James Hutton Institute

"Anyone who grows potatoes, be it in large scale on a field, or in their back gardens - can learn to better understand potato pests and diseases, their cause and how to prevent them"

30 Oct 2018

Could your unborn child help scientists to improve the health of the future population?

The Rowett Institute

Babies that aren't even born yet could help Aberdeen scientists to improve the health of future generations.

25 Oct 2018

New genetic tool may help breeders develop disease-resilient potatoes

The James Hutton Institute

"These genes, if introgressed into new cultivars via breeding or alternative routes, could significantly reduce the dependency on pesticides for crop production

23 Oct 2018

Women in agriculture make their voices heard


Women working in Scottish agriculture will be “making their voices heard” at this year’s autumn conference.

12 Oct 2018

NEWBIE award to highlight Europe's best new farmers

The James Hutton Institute

"Whether they’re developing a new business on an existing farm, or starting out on their own, young people work long hours for years to make their businesses a success"

4 Oct 2018

New grants for groundbreaking plant science research

The James Hutton Institute

"One of the most pressing questions for this research area is how to rationally predict the outcome of plant-microbiome interactions under agriculture-relevant conditions"

2 Oct 2018

Exploring the potential of remote sensing to estimate peatland carbon emissions

The James Hutton Institute

"The application of remote sensing to models of carbon fluxes is a viable research method over Northern peatlands, but further work is needed to develop more comprehensive carbon cycle models"
