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Plans to establish James Hutton Foundation announced

Plans to establish James Hutton Foundation announced

Prof Colin Campbell announces plans for a James Hutton Foundation (c) JHI
"Hutton was willing to challenge the accepted wisdom of that time and to create a new vision of how the world was formed and how it is constantly evolving"
James Hutton, portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn

Professor Colin Campbell, Chief Executive of the James Hutton Institute, has announced plans to establish a James Hutton Foundation which will celebrate James Hutton’s contributions to science and become a new membership organisation for those wishing to support the role of science in farming, land use and environment.

The announcement was made during the first day of the Royal Highland Show 2017 to mark Scotland’s Year of History, Culture and Archaeology, with the Secretary of State for Scotland, Rt Hon David Mundell MP, in attendance.

More information from: 

Bernardo Rodriguez-Salcedo, Media Manager, Tel: +44 (0)1224 395089 (direct line), +44 (0)344 928 5428 (switchboard) or +44 (0)7791 193918 (mobile).

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This article was originally posted by The James Hutton Institute