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New grants for groundbreaking plant science research

New grants for groundbreaking plant science research

Dr Davide Bulgarelli (courtesy University of Dundee)
"One of the most pressing questions for this research area is how to rationally predict the outcome of plant-microbiome interactions under agriculture-relevant conditions"
Image by Dr. phil.nat Thomas Geier, FBFG [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

A University of Dundee scientist based at the James Hutton Institute has been awarded almost £1.25 million to study the interaction between plants and soil microbes, with the ultimate aim of boosting sustainable food production.

Dr Davide Bulgarelli, a principal investigator at the UoD Division of Plant Sciences, located at the Institute's Invergowrie site, has been awarded two research grants each exceeding £620,000 from the European Commission and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

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This article was originally posted by The James Hutton Institute