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A multi-million pound programme of strategic research delivered over five years providing science and evidence to support policymakers and its partners. Informed by strong partnerships and the needs of a broad range of stakeholders. Science at the heart of society contributing to the health, wealth and wellbeing of Scotland and beyond.

Plant and Animal Health

Protecting Plant and Animal Health to underpin our globally competitive economy and ambition to be a Good Food Nation

Sustainable Food Supply System

Leading the way to a Sustainable Food System and Supply contributing to the economy, livelihoods and the health of Scotland

Human Impacts on the Environment

Supporting the large-scale and coordinated transition to net zero and reduction of Human Impacts on the Environment

Natural Resources

Protecting, valuing and optimising the multiple benefits we recieve from our vital Natural Resources

Rural Futures

Committed to empowered, inclusive and resilient Rural Futures for Scotland’s rural and island communities

Ongoing research (2022-2027)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Feeding and breeding strategies for climate resilient and sustainable dairying

We are working with Holstein cows from representative genetic lines and typical feeding systems to investigate relationships between milk production, efficiency and the ability to withstand the effects of climate change on feed supply and composition. We are developing new measures of feed variability, describe it for typical feeding systems and investigate effects on milk production and cow health. This is done with diets designed to reduce C footprints.  Our aim is to develop optimal breeding and management strategies for climate smart production, climate resilience and enhanced...

  • Livestock Improvement
  • 2022-2027
Habitat management and restoration

This project assesses how specific land uses and management activities affect biodiversity and ecosystem services to inform land use policy.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2022-2027
Identifying the causes of biodiversity change with specific references to the Intergovernmental Science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services drivers

The aim of this project is to identify how the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) drivers affect key parts of Scotland’s biodiversity.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2022-2027
People and Nature

This is project identifies and evaluates interventions and approaches which facilitate transformative change in how Scottish biodiversity is framed, valued, and managed.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2022-2027
Protected areas to tackle biodiversity loss now, and for the future

This project aims to understand how marine and terrestrial protected areas can best conserve biodiversity under current and future climates.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2022-2027
Scotland’s biodiversity: people, data and monitoring

This project addresses deficiencies in data and recording infrastructure of Scottish biodiversity enabling improved identification of drivers, hotspots and uniqueness.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2022-2027
Seeking multiple benefits from natural carbon stores in the uplands

This project explores the relationship between carbon storage, biodiversity conservation and flood mitigation in upland habitats to detect synergies and trade-offs and identifies land management practices that optimise the benefits to be gained. It is generating evidence to inform land-use management practices in the Scottish uplands that contributes to tackling the twin challenges of biodiversity loss and the climate emergency.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2022-2027
Biodiversity and ecosystem functions

There remain large gaps in understanding how changes in management and the environment alter community composition and, hence, ecosystem functions. This Research Deliverable (RD) addresses how ecosystem functions are regulated by the traits of species present, and how potential limits for the maintenance of ecosystem function can be captured in ecosystem health metrics.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2016-2022
Biodiversity management

Biodiversity management To deliver research that helps Scotland meet biodiversity goals as set by the Aichi Targets, the EU Biodiversity Strategy and, specifically, the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. It will do this by considering the effectiveness of alternative biodiversity/land management measures and potential options for safeguarding against biodiversity loss. These measures and options can then be integrated into future policy development.

  • Biodiversity
  • 2016-2022
Resilience of ecosystems and biodiversity

Resilience of ecosystems and biodiversity. This work aims to study the different  aspects of resilience of widlife species and natural ecosystems to improve our understanding of how biodiversity and ecosystems are likely to change in response to environmental and climate change, and how to manage them to increase their resilience to change.

  • Biodiversity
  • Natural Capital
  • 2016-2022