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F5: Future, Food, Fisheries, Farming and Forestry

F5: Future, Food, Fisheries, Farming and Forestry

This Open Forum Event will highlight and raise awareness of different perspectives from people connected to Food, Fisheries, Farming and Forestry to articulate the key challenges and vision to new opportunities for working together to create a better future.

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There are major challenges for society going forward in finding workable and sustainable solutions to provide safe, nutritious and equitable food sources for a growing population while optimising the sustainable use of our finite natural resources. Compounding factors are emerging from a global pandemic, dealing with a changing climate, loss of biodiversity, geopolitics, energy source, increasing costs and inequalities in opportunities and access to resources.

The Royal Society of Arts, who are key partners in the event, have been at the forefront of significant civil debate and social impact for over 260 years with an interest in rural affairs initiated by the late HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. The RSA works to provide opportunities and networks to encourage engagement, connectivity and a platform to share different perspectives and ideas. While the Scottish Government has just launched its ambitious new Strategic Research Programme enabling new opportunities in multi-disciplinary and inclusive collaborative working in the environment, land use, agriculture, food and rural communities to help provide some of the potential solutions to the challenges we face as a society. Therefore it is an ideal time for this RSA and SEFARI collaboration.

This collaborative team will bring together a wide variety of different stakeholders and practitioners within a range of different organisations involved in policy, industry and business, together with academics and researchers to enable a wide range of different perspectives to be heard and new connections made. New collaborations developed can look at better ways to work together going forward to increase the impact of multi-disciplinary approaches to find solutions to the main challenges and to provide a forum for young people to get involved in their future.

SEFARI Gateway funds will help to enable a group of young delegates to take part in the event and facilitate a wide range of leading external speakers to contribute to the programme.

The event will be held at The Moredun Foundation at Pentlands Science Park on Thursday 16th March 2023.

Contact Lee Innes for further information.