The British Society of Animal Science (BSAS) annual conference is one of the largest animal science events in the UK. This conference offers an opportunity for scientists, academics and farmers alike to participate in engaging discussion and debate surrounding issues at the heart of the industry.
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Date & Time
9th-11th of April 2024 - 10:00 to 19:00
This year’s conference theme:
Climate change is evident, hunger prevails and biodiversity is declining. Livestock have an important role in the economy of many countries, often underpinning the health of ecosystems. However, local and global intensity poses pressures on many environmental outcomes especially water and air quality and biodiversity. BSAS 2024 will debate how these pressures can be alleviated and establish the future role for livestock.
SEFARI's involvement:
SEFARI Gateway is an event silver sponsor and we are organising a session titled ‘Controlling parasites in a changing world’ on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM.
Helminth parasites (worms & fluke) are a ubiquitous challenge to grazing livestock and a major constraint on efficient livestock production globally. They also add considerably to the carbon footprint of animal agriculture. In this session, we discuss the impact of helminth parasites on the economics and environmental footprint of livestock farming, and explore changing patterns of helminth parasite epidemiology, against a backdrop of a changing climate and emerging drug resistance. We also consider barriers to uptake of best practice advice around sustainable parasite control and how best to communicate sometimes complex and nuanced messages. We have brought together acknowledged experts in the field, including researchers from the SEFARI collective and academia, as well as industry stakeholders, who will present their own perspectives and join a short panel Q&A afterwards. It should be a lively and thought-provoking session.
Speakers include:
Dr Philip Skuce, Moredun Research Institute/SEFARI Gateway
Professor Eric Morgan, Queens University Belfast
Dr Michael Macleod, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)
Dr Lynsey Melville, Moredun Research Institute
Ms Lesley Stubbings, Independent Sheep Consultant (SCOPS)
More details can be found here.