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Advanced Veterinary Clinical Training: Ultrasound detection of OPA as part of the veterinary control plan on farm

Advanced Veterinary Clinical Training: Ultrasound detection of OPA as part of the veterinary control plan on farm

The aim of this course is to provide advanced clinical training for veterinary practitioners wishing to offer transthoracic ultrasound as a method for screening for Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma.  Organised by Moredun Research Institute this course will also be suitable for vets studying towards Advanced Practitioner status in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging or Sheep Health and Production.

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Date & Time

8 Feb 2018 - 09:00


The main focus of the day will be to provide one-to-one practical training on scanning live sheep with or without OPA, following this up with necropsy of the sheep so that the association between the scan output and gross lesions can be confirmed.  This will follow presentations covering the most up-to-date knowledge on OPA and transthoracic ultrasound scanning.

Cost £250. 

CPD approx. 7 hours including 4 hours practical training.

Sandwich lunch included.

There will be several ultrasound scanners available. Also, participants are invited to bring along their own ultrasound machines and may make their own recordings. 

Maximum 12 participants. 

For more information or to enrol for this course please contact Chris Cousens E: or T: 0131 445 5111