This report highlights the results of a systematic literature review of environmental indicators and metrics that are currently used in farm level surveys. This review informed the production of environmental indicators for farms in the Scottish Farm Business Survey (FBS). The report covering the environmental indicators can be found on the Scottish Government website. Environmental data estimated for the Scottish FBS currently includes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nitrogen (N) use. This data represents impacts on climate change and risk to water quality. Our search therefore focused on indicators and metrics that could be calibrated from this data. We have also highlighted other non-environmental variables in the reviewed surveys that are highly correlated with GHG emissions and N use. Findings from stakeholder engagement sessions showed that the most common indicators found in our literature review also most commonly meet the needs of our stakeholders and end users.
Work on this report is funded by SEFARI Fellowship with Rural and Environment Science Analytical Services (RESAS) on spatially referenced data relevant to landbased policy evolution in Scotland.
Name: Soliman 2023_ FBS Literature review SEFARI.pdf
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