Vijay Thakur
Scotland’s Rural College
West Mains Road
I am a polymer chemist by qualification and materials scientist by training. My research activities span the disciplines of Biorefining, Biomaterials, Green Chemistry, Composites, Manufacturing, Nanomaterials, Polymers, and all aspects of Advanced and Sustainable Materials.
My group's current research efforts focus on the design, synthesis, characterization and applications of monomers/ polymers from biorenewable resources; biomaterials; environmental remediation; utilization of waste materials; biofuels and biobased products; recycling; smart materials; functional surface coatings; polymer aerogel/hydrogel, photocatalysis, sensing, nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
My roles are:
- Lead the Biorefining and Advanced Materials Research Centre
- Lead research into biorefining, sustainable and advanced materials to understand how the synthesis, composition and macromolecular design affects the overall properties with an eye towards engineering effective and affordable next-generation materials for agriculture, biomedical, automotive and aerospace towards a sustainable bioeconomy.
- Supervision of staff, students and visitors; teaching and external examinations
- Expert committee member for external bodies