Glenn Iason
+44 (0)344 928 5428
The James Hutton Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Scotland UK
My research is mainly on the ecology of herbivorous mammals, their impacts on plants and how plants defend themselves against herbivores and diseases. He has experience of work with a broad range of animal species (hares and rabbits, African buffalo, deer, moose and domestic ruminants and invertebrates species) in a range of ecosystems including the Arctic, Boreal forests, moorland, African savanna and agricultural environments.
My work with SEFARI focuses on woodland ecology an conservation, particularly the factors that determine the resilience of Scots pine woods against pests and diseases and climate change. This research uses inductive monitoring approaches but also draws upon a complementary national transplant experiment, in which seed from widely distributed native pinewoods are planted into contrasting climatic zones. This allows measurement of the genetic and environmental effects on the trees’ traits such as growth, chemical defenses against pests and diseases, as well as their associated biodiversity and function.
I have served on numerous editorial; boards of international journals, and on the Scottish Natural Heritage Scientific Advisory Committee, and a committee of the Scottish Tree Health Advisory group.