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Professor Eileen Wall

Professor Eileen Wall

Eileen Wall

 0131 651 9339

Scotland’s Rural College
West Mains Road


Eileen is a livestock genetics and systems researcher within the Animal & Veterinary Sciences Groups at SRUC, with experience in animal breeding, genetics, modelling and biostatistics. For SEFARI, Eileen is the Work Package Cordinator for Agricultural systems and land management; working on improving livestock management and genetics.

Leading Ideas

  • Agriculture
  • Livestock Diseases
  • Livestock improvement

Area of Strategic Research Programme

Further information the Scottish Government's Strategic Research Programme is available

  • Theme 2: Productive and sustainable land management and Rural Economies
  • 2.2 - Livestock Production, Health, Welfare, and Disease Control
  • 2.2.1 Livestock genetic improvement tools
  • 2.3 - Productive and Sustainable Land Management
  • 2.3.1 Improvement of livestock
  • 2.3.9 Integrated management systems
  • 2.3.10 Using and sharing data across supply chains