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Margaret McKeen

Margaret McKeen

headshot margaret mckeen

Margaret McKeen

James Hutton Institute
Errol Road


Margaret has developed her skills in GIS and spatial analysis over more than 28 years, (25 years of which within the institute), using mainly ESRI software, particularly using ModelBuilder and scripting, using Python and R. She applies her skills across most of the areas of research and commercial work undertaken within the institute including forensics in the UK and abroad. Margaret occasionally tutors colleagues who request help with GIS and spatial analysis and occasionally assisting on licensing and copyright issues.

Margaret has 20 years’ experience in working on visualising renewable energy projects using various software, including Windfarm software, to run visibility analysis for proposed renewable projects and produces high quality graphics, mainly for wind power and contributing to environmental statements for windfarm planning submissions and consultations by  NatureScot on visualisation techniques in wind farm development and undertaking research contributing to planning strategies for local authorities.

Margaret very much enjoys the Knowledge Exchange, aspects of her work having produced everything from photomontages for planning application, to coordinating and collating materials for conferences and exhibitions, (e.g.,to producing materials such as colour by soil character maps and quizzes for public open days and school visits.