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Dr Vanessa Rungapamestry

Dr Vanessa Rungapamestry

Dr Vanessa Rungapamestry

Vanessa Rungapamestry

 +44 (0)1224 438618

Rowett Institute (Room 5.044)
Forresterhill Campus
AB25 2ZD


Vanessa is a principal investigator and registered nutritionist. Her research interest is in how bioactive components from the diet may help improve health, using a combination of clinical and dietary intervention trials, and experimental models of health and disease. Vanessa’s current research focuses on how polyphenol-rich foods may improve heart health, in collaboration with the NHS.

Leading Ideas

  • Healthier Foods
  • Healthier Dietary Components
  • Healthier Diets

Area of Strategic Research Programme

Further information the Scottish Government's Strategic Research Programme is available

  • 3.2 - Healthy Diets and Dietary Choice