Stephen Whisson
+44 (0)344 928 5428
The James Hutton Institute
Dundee DD2 5DA
Scotland UK
Current research interests
- A major focus of my research at The James Hutton Institute is the discovery and functional characterisation of P. infestans genes required for pathogenicity and avirulence on the host plant potato, through an integrated genomics approach. Genes found to be crucial for the successful infection of potato are clearly potential targets for future late blight, and broader oomycete, control strategies.
- Active areas of research in the Phytophthora genomics lab include: effector/avirulence gene discovery and characterisation, screening for candidate pathogenicity factors using transient gene silencing (RNA interference), characterisation of RXLR-EER-mediated effector protein translocation into host plant cells, and cell biology of P. infestans/plant interactions using pathogen::fluorescent proteins fusions