Simon Gibson-Poole
Scotland’s Rural College
West Mains Road
My main research interest is in the application of remote sensing from unmanned aircraft systems (aka drones) using structure from motion and pixel/object-based classification techniques. The subject matter is typically agricultural (trials of various crops) however I am always looking for ways to apply this to more purely environmental concerns. The spatial data created from this research links onto other research interests including the management and modelling of spatial data using geographic information systems (GIS). The below list covers the areas that I am currently involved in:
- Agricultural trials analysis (crop health indicators and yield prediction);
- Disease detection through modelling (potatoes and other arable crops);
- Invasive non-native species monitoring (mapping and modelling spread);
- Lowland deer management (spatial mapping of impacts);
- The application of high precision global navigation satellite systems (ground and aerial) to improve imagery georeferencing and spatial accuracy;
- The application of satellite data for varied agricultural and environmental.