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Dr Rebecca Yahr

Dr Rebecca Yahr

Rebecca Yahr

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Arboretum Pl


Becky is the Lichen Biodiversity Scientist at RBGE, responsible for research about lichens from an evolutionary perspective. Her research aims to understand the diversity of lichens using a wide range of tools from inventory and biogeography, to population genetics and the structure of symbiotic relationships. She teaches lichen biology and species interactions at the graduate level and lichen identification for the public, and she serves as Co-Chair of the IUCN Lichen Specialist Group.

Becky’s research aims to:

  • Explore the lichen diversity of Scotland, especially areas of high conservation significance,
  • Untangle taxonomic problems in ecologically important and conservation priority species, and
  • Understand the processes driving symbiotic partnerships in lichens.