Katrina Brown
+44 (0)344 928 5428
The James Hutton Institute
Aberdeen AB15 8QH
Scotland UK
My research focuses on animal-human relations and wellbeing as they are constituted together with particular environments. A key aim of this work is to understand how the joint practices and behaviours of people and animals influence - and are influenced by – the production of knowledge, health and governance arrangements.
The related SEFARI work I lead on spans livestock production (e.g. biosecurity and how animal disease is understood and controlled), conservation at a community-scale (e.g. managing recreational conflicts to reconcile the wellbeing of local people and protected species) and at a landscape-scale (e.g. how stakeholder perspectives shape forest habitat expansion and connectivity), as well as situations where livestock and conservation interests combine (e.g. understanding the social production of extensive grazing regimes for biodiversity).
I also have been involved in developing and integrating innovative methods to understand ‘on the ground’ land use practices of particular stakeholders using video and film, including digital storymapping and mobile video ethnography. Visit my profile to find our more.