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Healthy Soils for a Green Future

Healthy Soils for a Green Future

The Healthy Soils project team, funded through the Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services (RESAS) Division of the Scottish Government, is organising the third annual meeting to update key stakeholders and policy teams on progress.

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Draft Agenda:

9:30:10:00         Registration and coffee

10:00-11:15       Introduction to the day with 4 talks including updates on work within the SRP and also on the soils fellowship, funded by ClimateXChange, from Sarah Buckingham on ‘Securing Scotland's soils in a changing climate’

11:15-11:30       Coffee/comfort break

11:30-12:30       Workshop 1 - potentially 3 in total with an opportunity to attend 2

12:30-13:30       Poster and lunch

13:30-14:30       Workshop 2 - potentially 3 in total with an opportunity to attend 2

14:30-15:00       Event summary and plans moving forward

Outputs from the project can be found here:

This event is invitation only. Please contact: for more information.