2 Feb 2018

New Centre of Expertise in Plant Health seeks to strengthen Scotland’s resilience

The James Hutton Institute

"We are delighted the new Centre is underway, and we look forward to engaging with experts and stakeholders from all sectors of plant health to work together for the people of Scotland"

30 Jan 2018

Precision agriculture research collaboration aims to help Chinese smallholder farmers

The James Hutton Institute

“Management zone delineation and decision support systems are very important issues for small-scale farmers, not just in China but across the world"

26 Jan 2018

New research determines the best methods to count mountain hares in upland areas

The James Hutton Institute

"These methods can be used to provide information to help inform the management and conservation of these amazing animals"

25 Jan 2018

Novel genetic technique for improving barley

The James Hutton Institute

"We believe our new genotyping array will underpin global barley breeding for several years to come"

24 Jan 2018

Soil research collaboration findings relevant to landmine clearing and fracking

The James Hutton Institute

“This work demonstrates the importance and impact of experts working together across disciplines, for instance, chemistry, explosives science, soil science and forensic science,”

19 Jan 2018

New Director for Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland

The James Hutton Institute

"The scientific world is increasingly data-rich, so the data analysis and modelling skills at the heart of BioSS will continue to grow in importance, whether for scientific discovery, for informing policy or for improving profitability in the private sector"

18 Jan 2018

Hutton expertise recognised with Royal Agricultural Society of England’s Technology Award

The James Hutton Institute

"Our 'magic margins' demonstrate that this is not necessarily the case and that there are opportunities for farmers across the UK to improve the long-run productivity of their land while simultaneously adding value to their Ecological Focus Areas"

18 Jan 2018

Barriers to women in agriculture challenged during presentation at Scottish Parliament

The James Hutton Institute

“Agriculture in the UK is facing major challenges in the next few years – why would you leave half of our best players on the bench?”

17 Jan 2018

New funding to develop tests for the detection of small redworm parasites in horses


The Moredun Research Institute has successfully obtained new research funding from the Horse Trust to complete the development of a blood based test for the detection of cyathostomins (small redworms) in horses.

17 Jan 2018

Chinese-Scottish potato collaboration shortlisted for business award

The James Hutton Institute

"Our work with Xisen has a clear focus on improving the yield and reducing losses of potatoes grown in China, however the lessons learnt will have potential applications throughout the world"

10 Jan 2018

Barley scientists investigate solutions to grain skinning

The James Hutton Institute

Barley (c) James Hutton Institute "Skinning is a problem during malting, where barley grain is processed for brewing and distilling"

8 Jan 2018

Forecasting coastal erosion and mapping the effects of climate change

The James Hutton Institute

"This research will forecast the extent of damage that could be caused to our precious coastlines through the effects of climate change"

22 Dec 2017

Summary of financial outturn 2016-17

The James Hutton Institute

The James Hutton Institute has published its Annual Accounts for the financial year to April 2017.

21 Dec 2017

Here’s why you need plenty of spuds on your Christmas dinner plate

The James Hutton Institute

"Potato has a very high satiety index compared to foods with an equivalent carbohydrate content and this represents a very positive aspect of potato nutrition"

21 Dec 2017

New leadership appointments in Cell and Molecular Sciences and Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences

The James Hutton Institute

"John and Anke are highly respected in their own fields and have influential national and international networks"

19 Dec 2017

Young Plant Scientist accolade for Dundee-based researcher

The James Hutton Institute

"This award inspires me to continue to perform my very best in plant science" A PhD student at the University of Dundee and James Hutton Institute has been selected as Young Plant Scientist 2018 in the fundamental research category by the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO).

14 Dec 2017

Tasty and healthy: add soft fruit to your Christmas table

The James Hutton Institute

“These compounds have shown strong potential to protect your precious neurons against neurodegenerative conditions and degenerative disease such as oxidative stress, glutamate excitotoxicity and neuroinflammation”

12 Dec 2017

SCOPS issues latest liver fluke update


This month SCOPS (Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep) have released its latest update on liver fluke.

6 Dec 2017

Professor Alison Hester appointed to new grouse moor management review group

The James Hutton Institute

“Scotland’s moorlands are internationally recognised, and ensuring their sustainable management is of paramount importance. I am very much looking forward to working on this with the other members of the group”

6 Dec 2017

Hutton expertise supporting Scotland-India links

The James Hutton Institute

“We have rapidly developed links to India and this is an important step in our relationship building, as we aim to build a wider breadth of collaborations over the coming years.”
