5 Jun 2020
World Environment Day: it’s time for nature
The James Hutton Institute
"We are extremely well placed to help society by understanding the impacts of rapid biodiversity loss and finding routes to sustainable management that can help reverse them"
4 Jun 2020
New research to develop climate-resilient blackcurrants
The James Hutton Institute
“Development of climate-resilient varieties is high on the James Hutton Institute’s agenda and blackcurrants are an important species in understanding the effect of climate change”
2 Jun 2020
Soil fungi fundamental to diversity of forests
The James Hutton Institute
"Certain groups of fungi have critical roles in the establishment of tree seedlings: pathogenic fungi which are detrimental to survival, while mycorrhizal fungi are beneficial to the seedlings. This latter group are essential for the survival and growth of the trees"
28 May 2020
Online materials to help get you through the remainder of lockdown life
The Scottish Government has announced the lockdown measures are being eased slightly. It will take time for more lockdown restrictions to be lifted and life will not necessarily get back to normal for the foreseeable future.
27 May 2020
Supporting Scotland’s green recovery from COVID-19
The James Hutton Institute
“The Institute is exceptionally well placed to provide evidence about behaviour change, and how such changes may be best encouraged at the population level, in order to help Scotland reach its ambitious emission reduction target”
27 May 2020
Hyperspectral imaging for sustainable, more productive food crops
The James Hutton Institute
“The use of light-weight and low-cost spectral sensors for agriculture is particularly exciting as there are so many ways in which land managers could benefit from the kind of data that this sensor generates”
26 May 2020
Is COVID-19 changing our relationship with food?
The James Hutton Institute
"We hope the results will give recommendations to decision-makers in the food sector and at policy level on how to respond to changes and make food systems fit for future food-related habits following the current pandemic"
22 May 2020
Genetic discovery sheds light on sodium tolerance in barley crops
The James Hutton Institute
“This paper represents five years’ work. We are delighted that our discovery can provide real benefits in terms of understanding this important trait”
20 May 2020
Rowett supports food-focused online learning
The Rowett Institute
The Rowett Institute has contributed to a range of educational resources to help with home schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic.
20 May 2020
Educational SEFARI
Scottish research institutes are sharing educational activities and resources for teachers, parents and learners to use during the coronavirus pandemic.
School children can learn how to manage a forest, become diet detectives or try being a farmer.
13 May 2020
Now available: May 2020 issue of Hutton Highlights
The James Hutton Institute
"We'd love to hear what you think of it, so please send us your comments"
4 May 2020
Preserve open science during COVID-19 fight, international scientists say
The James Hutton Institute
"Transparency engenders public trust and is the best defence against misunderstanding, misuse, and deliberate misinformation about models and their results"
30 Apr 2020
Hutton wildflowers for enhanced wellbeing and a better environment
The James Hutton Institute
"The wildflower initiative aims to support our staff’s physical and mental wellbeing and provide educational support for their children, while simultaneously benefitting our local environment"
30 Apr 2020
Interactive maps can help understand local communities
The James Hutton Institute
"It is crucial to ensure that socio-economic data is usable and accessible to the communities, practitioners and stakeholders engaged in place-based activities, as access to data supports informed decision-making and community empowerment"
30 Apr 2020
Rowett researcher wins the best scientific paper of 2019
The Rowett Institute
Research carried out by a former Aberdeen scientist while at the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute has been awarded the best scientific paper of 2019 by the Alpro Foundation.
27 Apr 2020
Scottish research institutes helping to tackle coronavirus
The James Hutton Institute
"Scotland is proud to have some of the world’s leading science and research institutions. During this unprecedented global pandemic, the response of our research institutions in volunteering staff and laboratory equipment has been great to see"
23 Apr 2020
Plant viruses may provide pipeline for increased vaccine production
The James Hutton Institute
Brome mosaic virus PDB 1J59 (image: JY Sgro; UW-Madison)
“This technology may be rapidly repurposed to synthesize bulk amounts of vaccine and diagnostic proteins in emergencies"
20 Apr 2020
UK crop scientists benefit from next-generation research computing platform
The James Hutton Institute
"High-performance computing is central to so many areas of science performed by the Institute.
17 Apr 2020
COVID-19: More ways than one to help those who need it most
The James Hutton Institute
“I am really inspired by our staff’s dedication and imaginative ways of helping in these difficult times and leaving no stone unturned. Every small effort helps.”
16 Apr 2020
Launch of SEFARI Fellowship with SNH and SEPA
We are delighted to announce that Kit Macleod from the James Hutton Institute will be undertaking the latest SEFARI Fellowship.