Research | SEFARI

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A multi-million pound programme of strategic research delivered over five years providing science and evidence to support policymakers and its partners. Informed by strong partnerships and the needs of a broad range of stakeholders. Science at the heart of society contributing to the health, wealth and wellbeing of Scotland and beyond.

Plant and Animal Health

Protecting Plant and Animal Health to underpin our globally competitive economy and ambition to be a Good Food Nation

Sustainable Food Supply System

Leading the way to a Sustainable Food System and Supply contributing to the economy, livelihoods and the health of Scotland

Human Impacts on the Environment

Supporting the large-scale and coordinated transition to net zero and reduction of Human Impacts on the Environment

Natural Resources

Protecting, valuing and optimising the multiple benefits we recieve from our vital Natural Resources

Rural Futures

Committed to empowered, inclusive and resilient Rural Futures for Scotland’s rural and island communities

Ongoing research (2022-2027)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Assessing the impact of changing migratory patterns and population size of greylag geese on livestock and public health

This project aims to investigate microbial risks carried by wildlife species whose distribution and abundance is affected by climate change.

  • Biodiversity
  • Plant & Animal Health
  • 2022-2027
Improving livestock productivity and sustainability through management and genetics

This project investigates how age, grazing management, early life events and tolerance to parasites affects livestock productivity and associated environmental impact.

  • Livestock Improvement
  • 2022-2027
Integrated socio-environmental modelling of policy scenarios for Scotland

This project develops the science and skills needed to work in an ‘agile’ way with policymakers and stakeholders on computer modelling at the whole-of-Scotland scale. We are working on a framework for monitoring soils; mapping our land capability and how it is affected by climate change; and simulating the effects of agricultural payments, trade, and technology change on rural businesses.

  • Large Scale Models
  • 2022-2027
Research into zoonoses and emerging diseases to protect public health and animal health in Scotland

This project is focusing on understanding the risk of emerging vector-borne zoonoses that could affect human and animal health in Scotland and improving our understanding of the transmission of two bacteria which cause food-borne zoonoses in Scotland. Data generated in this project is informing control strategies and is providing mitigation which could break transmission chains, improve animal welfare and production, and save human life.

  • Animal Disease
  • 2022-2027
Tools to support provenance of Scottish food produce

We are measuring the Strontium (Sr) isotopes in Scottish soils to create a map (isoscape) to aid in determining the origins of conventionally grown crops. For crops grown in soilless, controlled environment units the link to location is however lost. We are therefore analysing the crops, waters and nutrients from such producers using isotope and chemical methods to see whether such an approach could be used for provenancing.

  • Food & Drink Improvements
  • 2022-2027