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Fruit for the Future 2018

Fruit for the Future 2018

Fruit for the Future is one of the James Hutton Institute’s most successful and long-running industry events and is aimed at farmers, agronomists, representatives of the food and drink industries, scientists and others interested in soft fruit.

Sorry, this event has already happened. Have a look at our upcoming events.

Date & Time

19 July 2018 - 14:00 - 18:00


The James Hutton Institute prefer to take advantage of the season and deliver outdoor demos in the field and walk through the raspberry and blackcurrant plots. The scientific talks/presentations and project updates are still an essential part of our soft fruit events programme so these are now the focus of our SSCR Soft Fruit Winter Meetings held in February of each year. The progamme for this event can be found here.

Registration is not yet open, official invites will be sent out later in the year but if you would like to register your interest in attending, please contact Pam Cassidy, Events Co-ordinator, The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA. Email:, Tel:01382 568 751.