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Professor Fiona Burnett

Professor Fiona Burnett

Fiona Burnett

 0131 535 4133

Scotland’s Rural College
West Mains Road


Fiona is group manager for Crop and Soil Systems at SRUC as well as a Professor in Plant Pathology. She is the sector lead for Agriculture in Scotland's Plant Health Centre of Expertise. Her research interests inlcude:

  • Analysis of crop protection decision-making problems
  • Integrated Pest Management and pesticide stewardship
  • Uptake of best practice amongst stakeholders
  • Fungicide resistance and fungicide efficacy
  • Crop health monitoring and surveillance
  • Developing risk assessments to aid treatment decisions. Fungicide efficacy  crop trial service
  • Diagnostic services through our SRUC crop clinic
  • Translational science and industry engagement: Chair Fungicide Resistance Action Group–UK and Association for Crop Protection in Northern Britain; Member of UK Plant Health Forum (Defra), Scottish Government Agricultural Technologies Group, British Crop Protection Council’s Diseases Working Group;  Director of Scottish Quality Farm Assured Cereals Ltd, Director of the Genomia Fund; Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee for Scottish Quality Crops Ltd

Leading Ideas

  • Agricultural Systems and Land Management
  • Pest Control and Management

Area of Strategic Research Programme

Further information the Scottish Government's Strategic Research Programme is available

  • Theme 2: Productive and sustainable land management and Rural Economies
  • 2.1 - Crop and Grassland Production and Disease Control
  • 2.1.6 Integrated pest management
  • 2.3 - Productive and Sustainable Land Management
  • 2.3.3 Disease threats in the environment