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Professor Andrew Barnes

Professor Andrew Barnes

Andrew Barnes

 0131 535 4042

Scotland’s Rural College
West Mains Road


Andrew is team leader in Innovation and Behavioural Change, Professor or Rural Resource Economics, and department head of Rural Economy, Environment and Society at SRUC. His research focuses on capturing the impacts of policy change and farmer behaviour at the farm catchment level. Work has been conducted on a variety of topics within this area, particularly in terms of understanding attitudes, motivations and perceptions of farmers toward environmental issues and uptake of new technologies. Another strong thread to his research is the measurement of efficiency and sustainability metrics using longitudinal data, and he has adjusted productivity indicators for non-economic factors, such as animal welfare and environmental impact.

Leading Ideas

  • Rural Economy
  • Rural Economy Resilience

Area of Strategic Research Programme

Further information the Scottish Government's Strategic Research Programme is available

  • Theme 2: Productive and sustainable land management and Rural Economies
  • 2.3 - Productive and Sustainable Land Management
  • 2.3.12 Increasing uptake of best practice
  • 2.4 - Rural Industries
  • 2.4.1 Resilience of rural economies to key external drivers
  • 2.4.2 How rural economies can adapt to key external drivers