5 Dec 2019

World Soil Day: why we need to protect our peatlands from erosion

The James Hutton Institute

"Every year, we lose some of our precious agricultural soil to erosion, and, similarly, out of our 1.9 million hectares of peatland, about 270,000 hectares show evidence of peat erosion"

5 Dec 2019

World Soil Day: the disappearing ground beneath our feet

The James Hutton Institute

"We cannot be complacent if we want to conserve the soil and the carbon, nutrients and biodiversity it holds for future generations"

26 Nov 2019

Hutton scientist appointed first-ever female chair of influential soft fruit group

The James Hutton Institute

"I feel truly privileged and honoured to be elected to represent and promote activities of this working group, a fantastic community of over 400 outstanding researchers and members of society"

25 Nov 2019

New appointments strengthen International Barley Hub initiative

The James Hutton Institute

"The solid funding promised by UK and Scottish governments recognises the current and ongoing importance of barley to Scotland, the UK, Europe and the world"

19 Nov 2019

Hutton science excellence underlined by Highly Cited Researchers 2019 list

The James Hutton Institute

"The influential contributions made by Philip and John have been aptly recognised with their inclusion in the Highly Cited list"

13 Nov 2019

The search is on for the UK's best NEWBIE entrant farmers

The James Hutton Institute

“If you represent a farm business or if you know of a farm business that demonstrates innovation and resilience, we want to hear from you: submit your entry for the NEWBIE Award 2019”

13 Nov 2019

Intercropping in practice: new mini-film launched

The James Hutton Institute

“We hope it will encourage more farmers to try intercropping and serve as a training resource for anyone interested in sustainable agriculture in Scotland”

12 Nov 2019

Fact-finding mission to China promotes joint research on sustainable agriculture

The James Hutton Institute

"Although soybean is native to China, there are still issues to overcome regarding its cultivation there, one of which is over-use of fertilisers"

8 Nov 2019

Collaborative research at centre of new Hutton-ILVO partnership

The James Hutton Institute

“It is a pleasure to establish links with ILVO as there is huge potential for collaboration. This partnership represents a one-of-a-kind opportunity to realise scientific collaboration between Scotland and Flanders.”

5 Nov 2019

Migration vital to Scotland's future workforce, expert panel finds

The James Hutton Institute

"Scotland can learn a lot from how other countries use immigration programmes to address skills and occupational shortages and attract and retain people in remote and rural areas"

4 Nov 2019

Hutton expertise called upon for Scottish Science Advisory Council

The James Hutton Institute

“It is an honour to be able to contribute to the work of the Council, and support the opportunity for science and policy to work hand in hand”

31 Oct 2019

High Commissioner of Namibia visits the James Hutton Institute in Dundee

The James Hutton Institute

"It was a great opportunity for HE Linda Scott to gain insight into the work both James Hutton Limited and the James Hutton Institute carry out in Africa"

31 Oct 2019

Scottish native oysters: from food of the poor to potential socio-economic boon

The James Hutton Institute

"This report identifies several actions to realise the benefits and opportunities arising from a potential Scottish native oyster aquaculture industry"

29 Oct 2019

Early career scientists in Aberdeen set to benefit from £170million funding

The Rowett Institute

Early career scientists working at the University of Aberdeen are set to benefit from £170m of funding following an announcement by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

29 Oct 2019

New research to trial crop mixtures for improved sustainability

The James Hutton Institute

"This is a vital time for developing sustainable land management approaches that work for Scotland (...) SEAMS can bring together this partnership of organisations to promote the understanding and use of crop mixtures in Scottish farming"

28 Oct 2019

Spotlight on Hutton soil science at 7th International Soil Organic Matter symposium

The James Hutton Institute

"We need much more social science research into improved engagement, uptake and adaptation by land managers towards practices that we already know will work"

22 Oct 2019

New Hutton-SRUC partnership to help students gain real-world experience

The James Hutton Institute

"The fact that the farm is now also being used for educational purposes, to help train the next generation of farmers, is fantastic and evidence of the real benefits of collaboration across the Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Institutes (SEFARI)"

16 Oct 2019

NEWBIE farming incubators at AgriScot

The James Hutton Institute

"These incubator spaces create a buffer zone for farmers starting out so that they can hone their business model, gain credibility in the eyes of lenders or future business partners and take risks with a higher threshold for failure"

9 Oct 2019

A new website to improve open access to research data on Scotland’s natural assets

The James Hutton Institute

"The aim of NAR-DP is to create an accessible and easy to use online resource for a wide range of people, from organisations to members of the public"

4 Oct 2019

New insight into bacterium responsible for life-threatening disease in humans

The James Hutton Institute

"This study illustrates how rigorous experimental design, coupled with advanced data analysis and modelling expertise, is fundamental to successful scientific discovery"
